How Old is Water? Here’s How The Water You Drink is Older than the Sun, Despite the Sun Older than Earth

how old is water?

Water is part of our everyday life. In fact, science has it that nearly more than 60 percent of the human body is made of water. Aside from our human body, Earth, which is our planet of birth is largely occupied by water. Let’s hit the facts; about 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is occupied by water. Even though we drink every type of liquid on Earth, scientists believe that every molecule on our home planet comes from one origin. So, how old is water, and where does it come from?

Scientists have been attempting to find perfect answers to these questions for decades now. They have even developed several scientific models to provide an answer to this question. Recent studies are suggesting that some of these molecules have been in existence before the formation of our sun. Interesting right?

Well, you may be wondering about the possibility of the water you drink being older than the sun. Scientists have already carried out studies that have enabled the world to understand the actual earth’s water age. So how old is water? How old is the sun? Why do scientists assume that the water you drink is older than the sun? You are about to find answers to these questions and more from this blog post.

How old is water?

The water we use for bathing, cooking, drinking, and doing everything has existed for billions of years. So how old is water? A study conducted by scientists in the past decade proves that some molecules on Earth today are actually up to 4.6 billion years old.

These researchers conducted the study by recreating scientific models that replicate the physical conditions of the disk of the cloud of gas and dust that formed the Solar System.

This scientific finding inspired scientists to conclude that Earth and other bodies that exist within the solar system may have gotten their water from the cloud of interstellar gas, which initiated the formation of the Sun roughly 4.6 billion years ago.

The scientists also believed that interstellar water contributed to the formation of most star systems and planets, such as our solar system. Stars often form in the dense interstellar clouds of gas and dust where excessive water exists as ice.

But as the Star begins to evolve, it generates enough heat that will vaporize some amount of liquid stored as ice in the interstellar clouds. These vaporized ices will produce some molecules in the form of oxygen and hydrogen.

Scientists concluded that the presence of some molecules on Earth and other celestial bodies might actually come from the dense interstellar cloud. This implies that we are actually using the same water molecules that the dinosaurs used millions of years ago.

How old is the Sun?

The sun is roughly about 4.603 billion years old based on our current scientific knowledge about the star. Its formation about 4.6 billion years ago paved the way for other celestial bodies like our home planet, Earth, Jupiter, and others to form around 4.5 billion years ago.

Since the sun was formed, it has continued to produce hot plasma due to heat generated by the nuclear fusion reactions in its core. It is so gigantic that the nearly perfect ball of hot plasma occupies about 99.8 percent of the solar system.

Despite being so powerful, scientists think that the sun will run out of hydrogen fuel around five billion years in the future. Since the sun burns hydrogen to helium in its core, it has continued to expand slowly and get brighter. Scientists think the sun will likely engulf the earth in around 7.98 billion years. But before them, humanity may have spread out in interstellar space to preserve the light of consciousness.

How old is Water? Here’s how the Water you drink to be older than the Sun

The water you drink may likely contain some molecules millions of years older than the Solar System. Astrophysicists’ calculations have estimated that more than half of the entire Earth’s water may come from the Interstellar dense cloud of gas and dust.

These molecules existed as ice in the interstellar cloud for millions of years before the Solar System began to form. However, when the sun was undergoing its formation process, it generated a high amount of heat that vaporized the ice stored in the interstellar clouds into water.

Keep in mind that the planets formed around the sun actually came from the nebulae materials that were left over after the sun’s formation. Some of these nebulae materials actually contained some water molecules that made up our oceans, seas, and other forms of water on Earth.

How old is the Earth?

The earth is about 4.543 billion years old. Its formation began alongside other celestial bodies within the solar system millions of years after the birth of the Sun.

Several scientific studies enabled scientists to estimate that our beautiful home planet was formed billions of years ago. However, it took the earth billions of years before becoming hospitable enough to accommodate living organisms.

Where did the Oceans come from?

Where did the oceans come from? Scientists suggest that the earth’s oceans came into existence during the heavy bombardment of interstellar asteroids and icy comets, which ended around 3.9 billion years ago.

Some scientists also believed that the earth’s oceans were stored in the remaining interstellar nebulae materials that led to the formation of the sun and other planets. This suggestion made astronomers believe that Earth may generate enough ocean water from the rocks that contributed to the formation of the planet billions of years ago.


How old is water? The existence of water on Earth has continued to sustain humanity and keep almost all living organisms alive. Scientific studies enables our scientists to suggest the formation of water formed on our planet. What are your thoughts about the water you drink being older than the sun?

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